Základní informace
Comprehensive configuration and management of the video wall
is controlled through the IP2 Image Processor’s Display ManagerTM
application. Display Manager is accessible on-site or remotely via a
Web browser.
Display Manager provides end users with the ability to setup,
configure, and optimally display content on a Laser Phosphor Display
(LPD) video wall considering factors such as input video characteristics,
ambient lighting conditions, as well as viewing distances.
Apart from a Web browser, a subset of the Display Manager’s
features can also be accessed through the External Control Interface
(ECI). The ECI can be connected via a standard RS-232 serial
interface, an Ethernet interface (Internet Protocol), or both.
Display Manager works seamlessly with various third-party upstream
video wall controllers. Once the Display Manager maps one or more
IP2s to a video wall, an upstream video wall controller simply needs to
break up the pixel canvas and send the appropriate section of video to
each IP2 which in turn, will send the appropriate video signal to each
tile on the video wall.
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